Tuesday, October 23, 2012

And so it begins

This blog is about all things Trinitarian. Let me state up front that I do not think that I am an expert - in fact, I have yet to find an expert on the Trinity. I have devoted much of the past few years to studying and thinking about the Trinity - but not nearly enough. In fact, the purpose of this blog is primarily to help me think out loud and to keep me accountable to keep thinking and writing. If anyone wants to help me in this process and read and react to what I write, he or she is quite welcome. But if my readers are purely a figment of my imagination, that's okay too because these imaginary readers will contact me in an imaginary way and ask why I am not writing more. (Random thought: if a blog falls in the forest and no one is there to read it, does it make a sound?)

If you are a reader, real or imagined, my purpose is to encourage people to begin to think more on the Trinity and in a Trinitarian way. This blog is a small step in that direction. I do not want this to be overly technical and will try to keep it that way. So whether you are well versed in Trinitarian thought or are not even sure what Trinity or Trinitarian means, you are welcome here.


Phillip Koo said...

Go for it. I'm subscribing :)

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to